Sophia Marie Lightfoot is a mental health advocate, trauma-informed coach, and transformational hypnotherapist. She is a mother to three adorable young adults and loves to dance, sing, act, and write. Sophia Marie combines a wealth of personal and professional experience to inform, inspire, and support her clients in moving toward their goals. 

What's Sophia Marie's story?

I was born in 1969 and grew up in Adelaide, South Australia, the eldest of four. My family came to Australia as post-WW2 immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1950s. I spoke Polish at home. 

My parents shared a love of walking, nature, the arts, and reading with me. They were also very strict Catholics. In my teens, I developed an eating disorder. No one knew.

I studied Drama and English Literature at Flinders Uni. I worked as an actor in Adelaide, then took an extended working holiday overseas and in the outback. 

I married and settled to raise a family in rural Queensland in 2000. After the birth of my first son, I joined the Australian Breastfeeding Association. I loved being a stay-at-home mum and volunteering as a breastfeeding counsellor.

When I was 39, I enrolled at Central Queensland University to study teaching. It was the perfect career while my children were young. Having our holidays together was the best! 

I worked hard to stay cheerful and optimistic, but my marriage was crumbling. I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. In 2012, my husband and I divorced. I became a solo parent.

My coaching journey began in 2015 with an EFT course with Jenny Johnston. I have since studied many therapeutic modalities, including NLP, Meta Dynamics, RTT, CBT, and ACT. I continue evolving personally and professionally because this work makes my heart sing.

In 2021, I moved to Brisbane with my family. I love living by the seaside and working with clients from all over the world via video call. I feel blessed to share this transformational work. It is a gift that keeps on giving.

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