"On the whole, I would summarise the experience as excellent and recommend Sophia to anyone who needs help taking their results to the next level."

Sophia’s dedication to helping people through their challenges and how much she cares about them achieving their desired results is what initially interested me in working with Sophia. I was facing my ongoing challenge of emotional overeating, a lack of motivation to eat healthy and exercise, and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed in my home life and my work life.

The work helped me to realise that I have been taught to act a certain way under certain circumstances, and there are deep core reasons why I behave the way I do. This is positive because it gives me a direction to start moving away from that which I don't want and towards that which I do want. I loved the revelations that came up about why I feel responsible for other people's happiness and not my own.

Sophia is such an intuitive and kind-hearted coach and will guide you to sort through the life issues that are holding you back from finding your bliss! She is real, practical, and experienced and provides you with engaging techniques that work! 

Trish C - Perth, Australia

I came across Sophia when she was doing an online weight loss webinar. I found her to be such a genuine, caring, fun-loving lady that I decided straight away she was the coach for me. I have not been disappointed.

The places she has taken me on my healing journey have been astonishing. She is so intuitive, informative and skilled that she never fails to understand what is going on for me. After every single session, I have come away with a new and beneficial perspective on issues I have been going through at the time.

Thank you so much for coming into my life, Sophia. It has been quite a journey. I feel like I am a thousand eons in my spiritual development. You have changed the way I think and feel!! 

Sally P - Carlisle, United Kingdom

Michelle B - Brisbane, AUSTRALIA

"Sophia is open and honest, clever and caring. She knows what she's talking about and clearly and confidently shares her knowledge. I'm a better person for having worked with Sophia, and I am so grateful for all she's done."

Sophia is such an effervescent personality. She is so positive and empathetic that you can tell that hypnotherapy is her calling. She gets to the bottom of issues and turns it all around for you. The space that you get to walk into afterwards is so beautiful and healing, calm and loving. It truly is something to experience. Thank you, Sophia. My life is now going into amazing places I never thought it could.

Kate F - Melbourne, Australia

I have been enjoying Sophia's Healing Vortex meditation for 36 days in a row, and I am extremely impressed. She leads you on a wonderful journey.  Her voice is so loving, kind and healing.  I felt my body responding every time I listened. I am sure it kept me well while the rest of my family came down with a cold. I highly recommend it.

Linn P - Sydney, Australia

I have experienced a lot of different healing and transformational modalities - but nothing was so profound as my journey with RTT and Sophia Lightfoot.

The sessions we did together were terrific - and so insightful. I felt safe and held the whole time - and very supported. It was exactly what I needed to help me get to my next level. I highly recommend working with Sophia Marie Lightfoot!

Susan S - Los Angeles, USA

The differences in outcome with Sophia’s RTT sessions, compared to my past professional therapies, were ground-breaking. The woman I am now compared to me before having an RTT session is vastly different. I have a different approach to life thanks to Sophia’s guidance. I am far more relaxed and have a healthy approach to my well-being in a positive and empowering way.

If you are ready to start living life to your fullest potential, I highly recommend Sophia’s RTT sessions to anyone wanting to achieve change almost instantly. You are guaranteed to feel empowered, motivated & excited for your tomorrow. Thanks, Sophia, for giving me the gift of a brighter future and daily peace.

Charlott K - Melbourne, Australia 


"Sophia is an intuitive and knowledgeable practitioner. She goes beyond the point where other professionals reach their limits. She has an innate ability to listen and divine the root cause of repeated behaviours. "

I had an awesome RTT session with Sophia. I wanted to work on getting clear on my “why”, the contribution that I can provide and the impact I can make on other people's lives, so I could better communicate my work to other people. Sophia did wonderful work uncovering it. It was such a beautiful session and inspiring. I felt so connected and excited with the insights she was helping me uncover. Sophia really understood what I wanted and helped me see things in a new way.

And the recording… I just loved it. Really, her words touched me. It was so inspiring and BEAUTIFUL, a pleasure to hear, with such a professional introduction and background music. While she was recording it, I remember thinking, how could she come up with such a nice way to say things? She really got me, and it is a pleasure to hear it. 

The session brought me great clarity about communicating my work and reinforced my commitment to what I’m doing. I got from there the phrases to use to communicate. Sophia sent a great message with the recordings and good follow-up. I love the information and advice she included and how she took the time to include positive suggestions.   I recommend Sophia 100% to anybody who wants to solve a problem or find direction. Thank you, Sophia, for your help!   

 Sandra L - Lima, Peru

Sophia and I met through a mutual course we were both doing together. I shared with her that I had been struggling with anxiety and mental health issues, and we soon got talking about Rapid transformational therapy and how she could really help me. I gave Sophia more details about my life and what I had been struggling with long-term and currently. She recorded a beautiful session for me.   Sophia's ability to intuitively create the perfect setting for me to let go of my anxiety and step into my power has been life-changing.

The recording I have from her, I am able to use whenever I am heading down the path of panic. The peace and the quietness of the space her voice takes me is precisely what RTT is, a transformational journey into my inner peace and tranquillity, away from the panic and anxiety - I am able to see clearly and without the cloudiness of fear.   Since having a session with Sophia, I have been able to stand up for myself, be assertive in a positive and effective way and not completely crumble at the thought of confronting problems or stress in my life. Thank you so much, Sophia.

Gabby M - Melbourne, Australia

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