Feel confident with Sophia Marie Lightfoot


Michelle B -Brisbane, Australia

"I'd tried to address my health so many times without success that I didn’t have high hopes. But that changed as soon as I started working with Sophia. I expected more from myself and started achieving my own goals."

'Trauma resolved is a blessing from a greater power. ' Peter Levine 

Relieve stress, anxiety, fears and phobias. 

Overcome procrastination and get things done.

Quieten your inner critic and move forward confidently.

Perform at your best in presentations, exams, tests and on camera.

Upgrade your habits for a healthy mind and body.

Recover from emotional overeating and addictions. 

Stop craving unhealthy foods and beverages.

Shed unwanted weight easily and sustainably.

Release guilt, shame, and blame.

Heal and transform your relationship with yourself and others. 

Forgive those who hurt you, including yourself.

Sleep peacefully every night and wake each day feeling refreshed.

Understanding is power, and understanding in hypnosis is transformational, healing power.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a hybrid hypnotherapy system developed by British hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. It had a lasting healing impact on my life, and I have witnessed its profound and permanent results with my clients. 

With RTT, you can experience rapid results. As the name suggests, RTT creates a rapid change in consciousness. Many clients experience significant energetic shifts after one or a few sessions. This has a gentle domino effect across multiple life areas.

RTT identifies the root cause of your issues. It focuses on uncovering and addressing the root causes of problems rather than treating the symptoms. We address the underlying unconscious beliefs contributing to an issue. We gently release old, unprocessed emotions. Together, we create profound change. I support you every step of the way.

RTT integrates a variety of evidence-based therapeutic approaches. RTT incorporates cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. I tailor treatments to suit the unique needs of every client. 

RTT empowers you. With RTT, you take an active role in your healing process. You are the expert in your life. I share tools and techniques that equip you to make positive life changes.

RTT accesses your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a critical component of RTT. Hypnosis induces a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. In this state, you can easily access your subconscious mind, which contains your deep-seated beliefs and memories. You can easily make profound and permanent changes by working with your subconscious mind. 

RTT endorses a tailored approach. Each RTT session is highly personalised because your needs and goals are unique. This way, I can create targeted interventions that effectively address your concerns.

RTT is versatile. RTT can help with anxiety, phobias, trauma, addictions, self-esteem issues, and more. While RTT is effective for many, it may not suit everyone. Results vary depending on each individual and their unique circumstances.

What to expect when you book an online transformational hypnotherapy session

Online transformational hypnotherapy sessions usually take around 2 hours. Choose a space where you're not likely to be disturbed. Drink plenty of water before our call. Quieten your mind, tune in to your heart, and focus on your intentions

Make yourself comfortable. I will email a link, and we will connect on a video call at the scheduled time. I will guide you through a relaxation process, and you will enter into a safe and pleasurable healing state. 

While you relax, we have a therapeutic conversation together. I guide you through a process to help you understand the cause of the issue you want to transform. Every conversation is held in complete confidence in a 100% judgement-free zone.

I record a personalised 20-minute transformational hypnotic audio, especially for you. I encourage you to listen daily for at least 21 days. Repeatedly listening to your audio rewires your neural pathways for lasting results. 

After your session, set aside time to relaxYou may feel sleepy. Or you may want to take a walk or swim. You can take advantage of some time alone to process before you interact with others. 

Over the next 21 days, I offer support. When you change one thing, it can affect many areas of your life. You are never alone on this journey. My clients receive ongoing support in the weeks and months following their hypnotherapy sessions. We work through the challenges and celebrate your wins together!

Your questions answered

Will I be asleep during my hypnotherapy session?

You will have your eyes closed, but you will be awake. We will talk to each other, but you will be in a slower brainwave state, like during meditation. It will feel wonderfully relaxing. In this state, you will access your subconscious.

Will I revisit scenes from my past? 

Yes, most likely. We will briefly review memories of specific scenes from your past. Your memories shape your understanding and awareness of the present. Understanding what's causing the issues you face today is empowering.

What does hypnotherapy feel like?

It feels relaxing and pleasurable. You can safely release emotions that have been stuck in your body for years. Many of my clients say they feel lighter after their sessions. 

Will I relive traumatic scenes from my past? 

We will review memories of specific scenes relevant to your present issue. Surprisingly, mundane scenes from your childhood, like snippets of overheard conversations, are often part of the underlying cause of your problems.

Can everyone be hypnotised?

Yes. Hypnosis is a slower brainwave state you naturally enter daily. You experience this natural state first thing every morning and as you drift into sleep each night. Everyone can be hypnotised.

Am I assured of confidentiality? 

All client information is kept strictly confidential according to professional codes of conduct and by law. 

Am I under your control in hypnotherapy?

No. You are always in control. You can open your eyes and get up at any time you choose. It's like waking from a daydream.

Are online sessions as good as in-person sessions?

Yes, and often better because you are in the comfort of your own home. After your session, you can relax without the stress of navigating traffic.

Why do I need to listen to a recording after my session?

Change happens in three ways: immediately, cumulatively, and retroactively. You can have a light bulb moment in your session, but lasting change takes repetition. Listening to your audio daily for at least 21 days is vital for permanent results.

What about the time difference?

It's easy to find a suitable time that suits us both. My hours are flexible.

Will I need more than one hypnotherapy session per issue?

Everyone is unique. We can experience profound results in one RTT session, but two or three sessions can help with multi-layered issues. Many clients choose to work on various topics over a longer timeframe. I tailor my support to the specific needs of each individual.

What happens if I fall asleep when I listen to my audio?

When your conscious mind falls asleep, your subconscious mind is still listening. Many clients fall asleep while listening to their audio and experience a deep, healing slumber.

If you would like to explore ways we can work together, I invite you to schedule a confidential consultation.

Book A Free Call

Sophia is an intuitive and knowledgeable practitioner. She goes beyond the point where other professionals reach their limits. She has an innate ability to listen and divine the root cause of repeated behaviours. 

For me, it was patterns laid out in childhood as a response to a dysfunctional environment, which (now as a mother and wife) resulted in me living a life I wasn't happy with. It's a work in progress, but after two sessions, I already see how changing my thinking is creating positive changes in my life. 

Nicole Z - Mackay, Australia

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