It's Not About Your Weight!

Simple AND Sustainable Weight Loss for Women

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Are you ready to press the reset button?

Have you been on a crazy dieting merry-go-round all your life? Imagine maintaining your favourite weight with ease while you enjoy food and eating. Imagine walking into your closet and choosing your favourite outfit. You look in the mirror, and the fit is perfection. You leave home feeling 100% comfortable in your skin. At night, you go to sleep feeling satisfied. You're proud of yourself. You're proud of the woman you have become. 

For decades, I wanted this, but it evaded me. From 13 to 47, I battled with yo-yo dieting, emotional overeating, and binge eating. Going up and down in dress sizes was exhausting. I knew there was more to life than counting calories. I hated measuring portions. Checking the scale was an obsession. I couldn't break free from the feast and famine cycle. 

All the pieces fell into place in 2017 when I finally understood what it was all about. I transformed my relationship with food, my body, and myself. In this book, I share everything that helped me heal. 

I thoroughly enjoyed Sophia's book. Wow! It had such good information and advice in it. So easy to follow and well written, and written very honestly. One of my favourites, for sure! 

- Anita Saunders, Editor-in-chief

You can find copies of my book on Brisbane City Council Libraries.

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I am thrilled to donate 10% of the profits from selling my book to the Butterfly Foundation.

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